Positive Thinking Made Easy:... (Michael Andrews)

Positive Thinking Made Easy: Go From Negative to Positive Thinking and Finally Become Happy and Successful

  • Author: Michael Andrews
  • Paperback: 48 pages 
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (January 23, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1523644966
  • ISBN-13: 978-1523644964

In primitive times a person’s existence was dependent entirely on one’s ability to survive in the face of indeterminate odds. Ironically, those ‘laws of the jungle’ exist even today on modern human society – and while we may not be dealing with life and death situations around every corner we are dealing with sufficiently life altering critical ‘win or lose’ based constructs. The only problem with this thought process however is that when you are living a life where you think in terms of ‘win or lose’ what you are actually doing is turning your usually colorful life and turning it into a black and white Audrey Hepburn movie. You miss out on all the nuances of living life and get sucked into a repetitive thought pattern where all you can think of is what you missed out on. In short, you forget to see the positives in life because you are so fixated on the negatives. Well – enough is enough. You picked this book for a reason. You know what is wrong with your life right now, or at least you suspect it, and that means you understand that the first change you need to bring to your life is in the way you are seeing things – your pessimistic outlook on life and your negative nature are all about to take a hike to Neverland, while we are going to finally find a way to take you back to all the positivity you forgot you ever had. We’ll start by first teaching you how and why your mind thinks and works the way it does, and even teach you how to control or condition it to work a certain way – this is process, known as conditioning is how we are going to then teach you to boost your mental evolution. Remember, the mind is the single most powerful part of the human body – it is what decides what you as a person can and can’t do, physically, mentally and spiritually.

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